Changing the Exclusivity of an Affinity Tag
The “Use for” affinity tag setting specifies the type of data that can be stored on a
storage pool with that tag. You can choose to allow metadata only, user data only, or
both. You make this choice when you create the volume, and can’t change it without
recreating the volume.
If you chose to allow user data only, you can further specify whether the data has to
have the matching affinity. If the data must have the matching affinity, the tag is called
“exclusive,” and data without the affinity isn’t allowed. You can change this setting as
To change the exclusivity of an affinity tag:
In Xsan Admin, select the storage pool in the Volumes pane and choose Edit Affinity
Settings from the Action (gear) pop-up menu.
Click the checkbox to select or deselect “Only data with affinity.”
If the checkbox is disabled, this is the last affinity tag in the volume that isn’t exclusive.
A volume must contain at least one affinity tag that isn’t exclusive. In other words, the
volume must contain at least one affinity tag that accepts user data without an affinity.