Configure the SAN
You use Xsan Admin to configure the SAN. The first time you use Xsan Admin on a
computer, it starts the Xsan setup assistant.
To configure the SAN:
Open Xsan Admin (in /Applications/Server/).
Xsan Admin opens when you finish installing the Xsan software on your primary
metadata controller computer.
Chapter 3
Setting Up a Storage Area Network

Chapter 3
Setting Up a Storage Area Network
You can also open Xsan Admin on any computer with an intranet or Internet
connection to your SAN computers. (You can use Xsan Admin on a computer that isn’t
connected to the SAN’s private metadata network or its Fibre Channel network.)
In the Introduction pane, click Continue.
In the Initial SAN Setup pane, select “Configure new SAN.”
For information about connecting to an existing SAN, see “Managing Multiple SANs” on
page 50.
In the SAN Settings pane, enter a name for the SAN and then enter the SAN
administrator’s name and email address.
In the Add Computers pane, make sure all the computers that you want to include in
the SAN are selected.
If a computer you want to include isn’t listed, make sure you’ve installed Xsan on that
computer, check that it’s connected to the private metadata Ethernet network, and
check the network settings in the computer’s Network preferences. You can also try
clicking Add Remote Computer and entering the computer’s address.
In the Authenticate SAN Computers pane, choose how you’ll provide authentication
information for the SAN computers:
Use same authentication information for all SAN computers: Select this option to
have Xsan Admin authenticate to all computers using the administrator name and
password you enter in this pane.
Authenticate to SAN computers one by one: Select this option to authenticate to
each computer individually.
In the Serial Numbers pane, enter your Xsan serial numbers.
You can click Add Serial Number and enter a number, or drag a text file containing
serial numbers to the list.
In the Choose Metadata Controllers pane, select your primary and standby controllers
and deselect client-only computers that appear in the list.
If the Private Metadata Network pane appears, you can choose to have Xsan Admin
manage the private network addresses for all SAN computers.
If the SAN Network pane appears, choose your private network from the Metadata
Network pop-up menu.
The SAN Network pane doesn’t appear if, in the previous step, you chose to have Xsan
Admin manage the private network addresses.
Review the Summary pane, and if all settings are correct, click Continue.
To change a setting, click Go Back until you reach the pane where you can correct the
setting. Then click Continue until you return to the Summary pane.

Step 9: