Install Xsan Software on Clients and Controllers
To install the Xsan software:
Take the Xsan Install Disc to each client computer connected to the SAN and install the
Xsan software.
Install the Xsan software on the servers that will be standby metadata controllers.
Install the Xsan software on the server that will be the primary metadata controller.
If you use Server Assistant to set up a server as metadata controller, it prompts you to
insert the Xsan Install Disc when it’s time to install the Xsan software. The last computer
you install the Xsan software on should be the primary metadata controller.
To install the Xsan file system and Xsan Admin application:
Insert the
Xsan Install Disc, double-click the Install Xsan icon, and then follow the
onscreen instructions to install the Xsan software.
If you’re setting up new metadata controller, or a controller that you just performed a
clean installation of Mac OS X Server on, the setup assistant prompts you to insert the
Xsan Install Disc when it’s time to install the Xsan software.
To install just the Xsan file system without Xsan Admin:
Insert the Xsan Install Disc, double-click the Install Xsan icon, and then follow the
onscreen instructions until you reach the Custom Install pane.
In the Custom Install pane, deselect Xsan Admin, click Continue, and follow the
remaining onscreen instructions to install only the Xsan file system.

To install Xsan software on a computer that has no keyboard or display:
Insert the Xsan Install Disc in the computer that doesn’t have a keyboard or display.
Log in to a computer that does have a keyboard and display.
In the Finder, choose Go > Connect to Server and enter vnc://address in the Server
Address field, replacing address with the IP address or DNS name of the target
Click Connect and enter the name and password of an administrator account on the
target computer.
In the screen sharing window, open the Xsan Install Disc icon, double-click the Install
Xsan icon, and follow the onscreen instructions.
To install only the Xsan file system, deselect Xsan Admin in the Custom Install pane.
You can also use the Apple Remote Desktop application (which you can purchase
separately) to install the Xsan software on remote computers. For information about
Apple Remote Desktop, go to www.apple.com/remotedesktop/.
From the Command Line
For information about installing the Xsan software by using command-line tools in
Terminal, see “Installing Xsan from the Command Line” on page 109.
Step 8: